Are Specialty Carts the Right Choice for Your Retail or Grocery Store?

Row of animated shopping carts

If you own or manage a grocery or retail store, you know how important it is to accommodate all of your customers. While you may not always be able to meet the needs of every single customer, making an effort can have a big impact on your bottom line. For example, some stores offer shopping assistance services to help those who have a hard time grabbing items off the shelf, checking out, or loading their vehicle on their own. Another way retailers improve the shopping experience is by providing specialty shopping carts.

Specialty carts can come in a variety of forms. Some are big, some are small, others might fold up, feature extra space on the bottom, or act as a sort of hybrid between basket and cart. Whatever the case, these carts can simplify and elevate the shopping experience in many cases. But are specialty carts the right choice for your retail or grocery store? The answer to this question will depend on a number of factors. Let’s break down these considerations to help inform your decision.

How to Know if Specialty Carts Are the Right Decision

What Do You Sell?

The first thing to consider when deciding whether or not to invest in unique shopping carts is what products you sell. Most grocery stores, for instance, sell produce, non-perishable goods, baked goods, meat, other food products, and perhaps some non-food items as well. With a few exceptions, most of these goods are small on their own and fit comfortably in a standard shopping cart. Of course, these items can add up before long, and some larger items, such as cat litter, large packages of beverages, or bulk food items can take up a disproportionate amount of cart space. Plus, they may be too heavy for most shoppers to carry separately.

In circumstances like the one above, a standard cart, even if it’s large, might not do the trick. The same goes for other retailers who sell items ranging from small to large. A regular cart or basket might be fine for most shopping trips, but some cases will call for a different solution, such as a cargo cart. So, consider the items you sell, as well as the average shopper’s journey through your store. You might find that having some specialty carts on hand would be a worthwhile investment, even if they’re not required each and every day by every single customer.

Who Do You Serve?

Next, think about your customers. Many grocers and retailers see a range of ages and backgrounds in their customer base. However, demographics shift and vary across regions. If your store is near a large population of senior citizens or those with special needs, you should consider specialty carts for your store. Not all of your customers will want or be able to carry a basket or push a standard cart on their own, after all. Rather than neglect this portion of your patrons, think about how you could create a more inclusive and efficient shopping experience for everyone.

For example, you might provide or even sell shopping carts for seniors, which can double as a support mechanism and collapse for easy storage. Or, you can consider investing in a fleet of battery-powered motorized carts that allow customers with mobility issues to sit down and safely navigate your aisles. Offering these various types of specialty carts to your customers will help your customers shop, improve your reputation, and help you gain more business.

How Much Space Do You Have?

Investing in specialty shopping carts isn’t just a budgetary concern, but a spatial one, too. Your business’ parking lot and interior can only hold so many people, products, carts, and baskets. Additionally, custom shopping baskets and carts often require custom storage solutions. Motorized carts, for instance, can take up a lot of space, and may need to be docked and plugged into electrical outlets when not in use. On the other hand, folding shopping carts are space-saving by nature, as they collapse and easily stack.

So, before you go ahead and purchase a truckload or two of new special carts, take stock of your spatial needs, and try to determine how many new carts you could realistically store and handle without causing too many obstructions, as well as which types of carts take up the least amount of space. After all, you can’t improve the customer experience if your customers have a hard time walking or riding through the aisles.

What’s Your Specialty?

Let’s say you decide that specialty carts are right for your store. The next step is determining which type (or types) of specialty cart to consider. In order to do that, you have to know what your options are. For instance, at Good L Corp., we manufacture a number of specialty carts to suit the various needs of your customers, including:

  • Cargo Carts
  • Tub Carts
  • Lower Tray Basket Carts
  • Steel Double Basket Carts
  • Black Double Basket Carts

Each of these specialty carts is designed for a different unique purpose. Tub carts, for instance, are actually more for your employees than your customers. These carts make restocking shelves easy by providing ample space for large storage bins. Additionally, we can customize your carts by offering various color options and including your brand’s name and/or logo on all your carts and baskets.

Not all specialty carts will be right for your business, but you might find that one or two types can make all the difference in providing your customers with a more enjoyable and efficient shopping experience. When your customers are happy, your business thrives. In this way, investing in certain types of specialty carts can be a sound business strategy.

Good L Corporation delivers innovative shopping cart and basket solutions for retailers on a global scale. From a fleet of new custom carts to launch your store opening to replacement baskets that supplement your existing shop supply, Good L Corp can configure the right carryall strategy to boost your retail business. Let’s get started! Contact us today for a no-pressure sales quote.

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1 thoughts on “Are Specialty Carts the Right Choice for Your Retail or Grocery Store?

  1. Pingback: Shopping Carts: These Features Improve Portability - Good L Corp

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