Where and How Should You Store Rolling Shopping Carts

Rolling shopping cart stored

For retail and grocery stores to succeed, they must create a convenient shopping experience for all of their customers. This is easier said than done, however, considering how many factors play into keeping customers satisfied. For instance, different shoppers have different needs and preferences when it comes to shopping — some would rather grab a large shopping cart and take their time filling it, while others prefer to pick up only what they need and finish as quickly as possible. Additionally, some customers may have mobility concerns, requiring extra assistance during their trip. And on busy days, shoppers may get in each other’s ways, blocking aisles and shelves, bumping into one another, and slowing everything down.

The list of individual shopping concerns goes on, but most of them circle back to a few key considerations: space, convenience, and choice. Customers should have enough room to maneuver and the ability to easily access the shopping carts or baskets that suit their needs. This means that retailers and grocers must invest in the right types of vessels for their customers while optimizing their storage solutions for said carts and baskets. Rolling shopping carts are often a worthwhile investment for retail and grocery stores, as they are highly versatile and portable. Best of all, stores can boost their sales by selling these portable carts, too.

But what are rolling shopping carts, exactly? And where and how should you store these convenient items?

What to Know About Rolling Shopping Carts

Don’t All Shopping Carts Roll?

The term, “rolling shopping cart,” admittedly sounds redundant. After all, what good is any kind of shopping cart if it can’t roll along the floor? That said, rolling shopping carts usually refer to a specific type of shopping cart, namely portable, folding shopping carts that customers can collapse and carry when empty and open up to store items and roll like a low-hanging cart. When open, these rolling carts resemble a hybrid between a standard cart and tall basket, featuring four wheels (two small swiveling wheels in the front and two large stationary wheels in the back), one long, sometimes extendable handle, and a narrow but deep carriage for a decent haul of groceries and other goods.

Why Rolling Shopping Carts?

So, why do some customers prefer using these rolling, collapsible carts? For one thing, the low carriage makes it easier for those with limited height and/or mobility to gather items during their trip. Plus, these carts can double as a sort of walker, helping to support customers as they navigate the store. Next, the portability and convenience of these carts help some customers at every stage of their shopping journey — if they own a rolling cart, they can keep it folded up when traveling to the store and then open it up and roll it when shopping. They can then unload the contents of the cart into another vessel and fold the cart back up or, if they live nearby, walk back to their residence with the aid of the cart.

Where and How to Store Rolling Shopping Carts

Now that we’ve described rolling shopping carts and their utility, it’s time to discuss optimal placement and configuration. First, however, you must decide whether you wish to sell these carts to your customers or simply lend them to your customers as they shop. Most businesses will opt to sell rolling shopping carts to boost sales and bolster customer satisfaction. Many shoppers will use more traditional in-store carts and baskets, but for those with specific needs, the ability to buy a personal shopping cart can be highly beneficial for them. And when some customers bring their own carts, it saves resources for shoppers who only plan on using what’s in-store.

So, if you do decide to sell your rolling shopping carts, you should store them strategically, just as you would any other product you’re selling. This means your portable shopping carts should be prominently displayed in areas where those who are most likely to need or want these items will see them. For instance, you might place some near the entrances and exits of your store so customers can buy them upon entering or leaving. Another good option is to place some of these carts in front or next to checkout lanes. You might also store them in an aisle that features various relevant items, such as storage containers, organization tools, home goods, etc.

Of course, even if your rolling carts aren’t for sale, you want to store them in such a way that’s convenient for your customers and that doesn’t take up too much space. Fortunately, because rolling carts are collapsible, they don’t require as much room as more traditional carts and baskets. Plus, you probably won’t need to offer as many rolling carts, since fewer customers will use them. This means that you might not need to utilize shopping cart corrals to store your folding rolling carts. Instead, while collapsed, you can stack them either on top of one another or against one another in a corner, perhaps held in place by a belt, chain, stand, etc. 

However you decide to configure your rolling shopping carts, make sure they can be easily and safely grabbed by your customers so they’re within reach and don’t topple down when removed.

Rolling shopping carts are convenient, space-saving vessels that give customers more control over their shopping journey. Consider adding these kinds of carts to your arsenal. If and when you do, be mindful of how and where you store them, and make sure you purchase these carts from a reliable, eco-friendly manufacturer.

Good L Corporation delivers innovative shopping cart and basket solutions for retailers on a global scale. From a stack of custom shopping baskets or a fleet of custom shopping carts to replacements that supplement your existing shop supply, Good L Corp. can configure the right carryall strategy to boost your retail business. Let’s get started! Contact us today for a no-pressure sales quote.

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