Personal Shopping Carts: Choose One with the Right Features for Your Store

Family with a boy in the shopping cart

Retail businesses like yours must employ many tactics to maximize sales. You might update your marketing strategy, adjust your merchandising displays, or offer limited-time sales and incentives to draw customers in. While strategies such as these are effective, there are other, subtler ways to boost sales, too, such as simply offering the right types of personal shopping carts and baskets for your shoppers.

To save time and money in the short-run, many retail and grocery businesses only provide standard carts to their customers. These carts can certainly get the job done, but they might not be the optimal choice for a given store. For instance, the average cart might be too large for a typical purchase but too small for containing larger items. And the fewer options a customer has, the more likely they are to make a smaller purchase. At the very least, shoppers might become frustrated when faced with the challenge of hauling around a cart that’s bigger than necessary or cramming objects into a space that’s too small. Whatever the case, these outcomes are bad for your bottom line and your reputation.

So, if it’s time to purchase new shopping carts for your store(s), it’s wise to look for products with the right features for your needs. Let’s go over some important factors and features to consider.

How to Choose the Right Carts for Your Store

The Optimal Material

While not the most important factor regarding shopping carts, it is worth noting what they’re made of. Generally speaking, your choice is between plastic and steel, with many carts using both materials for different components. When properly manufactured and maintained, both types of carts are durable. However, they do have their differences. For example, plastic carts tend to offer more color options, which matters if you want your shopping carts to match your brand. Additionally, steel carts are at risk of rusting over time, especially if left outside in the rain and snow. That said, plastic carts can deteriorate as well, and might not hold up to impact damage as well as metal carts.

The Right Size

As previously mentioned, cart size plays a role in encouraging or discouraging sales. The question is, how do you determine the ideal dimensions for your store’s shopping carts? You can start by tracking key indicators such as your highest-selling products and average product size. Simply put, if you predominantly sell small items, your store might not need larger carts. Conversely, if your biggest sellers are also your largest products, you want your carts to accommodate those goods so more people can comfortably complete their purchase. Additionally, consider the size of your store. If your space is limited, big carts can become obstacles for customers and employees alike. Larger stores can get away with housing larger carts, of course.

Extra Space

While size matters, the way that space is allocated matters, too. The basic shopping cart design features a single container of a specific depth and width for holding products up to a certain weight limit. This layout is simple and effective in many instances, but carts come in other shapes as well. For instance, a cargo cart or double basket cart offers a smaller primary container area but features additional storage space below. These double-decker carts are perfect for spacing out a load and separating or sorting products during a shopping trip. A larger, longer product that might not fit up above can comfortably sit below and free up space for smaller items. Or, a customer can place their perishable products in one basket and their non-perishable goods in another to avoid cross-contamination or moisture leakage, etc.

Kid-Friendly Options

The shopping experience consists of many elements, from how comfortable it is to navigate the aisles to how pleasant the check-out process is. Plenty of people shop with their children, which can become a challenge in more ways than one. To make things easier for your customers and their little ones, consider offering kid-friendly cart options. You might offer mini carts that kids can push around themselves to keep them occupied and engaged. You might also provide standard-sized carts that feature comfortable and safe seating space for small children so they stay put and enjoy the ride. Kid-friendly carts such as these go a long way toward enhancing the customer experience, prolonging shopping time, and boosting sales.

Not Just for Customers

When buying shopping carts for your store, your primary concern is choosing options that suit your customers’ needs and improve their experience. However, your carts aren’t just for your customers, necessarily. Employees who stock items can benefit from using certain types of carts as well, such as tub carts. These carts are basically stripped-down versions of double basket carts, boasting a strong frame with shallow containment spaces for holding two bi-fold totes. If your store is in need of sturdy, versatile stocking vessels, these kinds of carts are highly valuable.

When you imagine a shopping cart, you might have a basic idea in your head. But in truth, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your store’s unique needs, offerings, and customer base require unique shopping carts, especially if you’re looking to increase your sales, enhance your customers’ experiences, and improve your reputation. So, choose the carts with the right features for your store, whether it’s a matter of material, size, shape, or purpose.

Good L Corporation delivers innovative shopping cart and basket solutions for retailers on a global scale. From a fleet of new custom carts to launch your store opening to replacement baskets that supplement your existing shop supply, Good L Corp can configure the right carryall strategy to boost your retail business. Let’s get started! Contact us today for a no-pressure sales quote.

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