How to Color Match New Carts With Old

Woman sitting in a pink shopping cart

As we’ve gone over many times before, your store’s shopping carts are more than merely mobile vessels for your shoppers — they are also key branding materials for your business. When thoughtfully customized, your carts help you transmit and cement your brand identity. The bright crimson carts (stamped with iconic white targets) of a certain major retailer serve as a prime example of this fact. Indeed, the very color of your carts goes a long way toward completing the customer experience.

So, what happens when it’s time to invest in new shopping carts for your location? The simple answer is this: purchase fresh carts with the very same color scheme as the previous fleet. However, acquiring carbon copies of your previous carts‘ color is sometimes easier said than done. If, for instance, you’re switching manufacturers, you might not have access to the same selection of colors as before. Or, consider your conundrum if you’ve lost the reference material for your brand’s exact colors? These problems may be rare, but they can certainly interfere with your purchase of new carts as you seek to maintain brand consistency.

How Color Matching Shopping Carts Helps Your Business

Know Your Brand

Your brand is a simplified representation of your business as a whole. That said, companies adjust their branding all the time for various reasons. These rebranding efforts range in size and scope, too — one business might change its brand due to a major restructuring of its operations while another might alter their image in concert with a new marketing strategy. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to have a firm grasp on your brand before concerning yourself with color matching when buying shopping carts to replace your previous supply. If you’re altering your logo and color scheme, after all, your new carts should reflect your fresh aesthetic rather than your dated one.

Of course, if your brand identity is staying put or your rebranding efforts don’t involve a change in your business’ color scheme, color matching your carts does matter. In this case, you’ll want to heed the following advice.

Retain the Right Reference Material

Accurate color matching can be challenging (if not impossible) if you don’t have the proper reference materials. Simply using your old shopping carts as color examples usually won’t cut it when you consider that these carts’ color will fade over time from wear and tear. Instead, you’ll want a precise color code and/or digital copy of your business’ logo and color scheme that serves as the basis for all of its branding materials. Retaining this data is crucial beyond mere color matching, of course, but these materials certainly help when the time comes to purchase new carts that flawlessly adhere to your store’s aesthetic. Take the time to organize and back up your business’ digital files to ensure that you don’t lose these important assets.

Prioritize Plastic Carts for Color Matching

It’s worth noting that different cart types better lend themselves to displaying your business’ colors than others. Simply put, cart manufacturers can paint plastic shopping carts in a variety of colors — wire carts, on the other hand, typically maintain a silver frame. That said, you can still flaunt your logo and colors on a metal cart via prominent tags attached to the cart’s sides and/or front. Still, if you want your carts to truly stick out and show off your store’s colors, plastic carts are usually the way to go (remember those iconic red carts mentioned earlier).

Cooperate with a Cart Manufacturer that Can Provide an Accurate Color Match

Lastly, if you wish to color match your new carts easily and accurately with your old carts, you must work with a cart manufacturer that is willing and able to produce the unique shopping carts you require. Ideally, you’ll want to establish a long-term relationship with the said manufacturer — that way, they can keep a record of your previous purchases and provide you with new carts with the precise specifications when the time comes to purchase more. You also want this manufacturer to build carts that will stand the test of time. After all, the longer your carts last, the less time and money you’ll have to spend seeking replacements for your store(s). Fortunately, the shopping cart and basket manufacturers at Good L Corporation check all of these boxes. Our high-quality, custom products are designed for brand promotion and increased sales. We offer precise color matching services to ensure that your brand new carts perfectly adhere to your business’s aesthetic.

Good L Corporation delivers innovative shopping cart and basket solutions for retailers on a global scale. Good L Corp can configure the right carryall strategy to boost your retail business from a fleet of new custom carts to launch your store opening to replacement baskets that supplement your existing shop supply. Let’s get started! Contact us today for a no-pressure sales quote.

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