What to Consider Before You Buy Shopping Carts

Black shopping cart sitting in front of a yellow wall

Whether you’re opening a brand new store and need to invest in crucial supplies or you need to replace an outdated stock of carts, it’s worth putting some thought into your purchase of fresh shopping carts. After all, the satisfaction of your customers largely depends on how easily they can navigate your store and obtain everything they need. While you may not be able to please every customer every single time, carefully selecting the amount, variety, size, and type of shopping carts for your store can have a positive impact on your reputation and bottom line. Let’s dig deeper into what you should consider before you buy shopping carts.

Questions to Answer Before Buying Shopping Carts

How Many Will You Need?

It ultimately doesn’t matter which kinds of carts you choose for your store if you don’t end up with enough of them. Shoppers expect that they’ll have access to a cart upon entering your store. If they show up and can’t find a vessel, they may shop elsewhere, leave a complaint, and/or purchase fewer items than they might have otherwise. Likewise, you don’t want to harbor an excess of carts, as this will take up unnecessary space and resources. Our previous blog, “How Many Shopping Carts Does Your New Location Need?” lays out the factors that help determine the optimal number of shopping carts stores should have on hand at a given time. To sum that article up, you’ll want to consider the size of your store and parking lot (larger stores often require more carts), your average amount of foot traffic, storage capacity, and past experiences (i.e. how many carts did you have before, and was it enough, too much, just right, etc.?).

How Many Varieties Should You Choose?

You’re not limited to purchasing one type of shopping cart. While standard carts fulfill the needs of the largest number of customers, some stores can benefit from offering alternative options as well. For instance, stores that sell several goods that vary in size and shape might offer small shopping carts in addition to their standard or larger fare so customers who intend to make smaller purchases don’t need to push around a big cart. Some stores might invest in specialty carts as well, such as cargo carts and/or double basket carts that offer additional space for unique items. Additionally, many stores will provide shopping baskets to grant even more options. The varieties of carts and baskets you choose should depend on your specific situation and customer demographics. Think about which options would best suit your shoppers as a whole.

How Will You Store Them?

Storage is a major consideration for shopping carts, too. You need to make sure you have ample space for your entire fleet while making it easy for customers to locate and grab the cart(s) they need. Purchasing several carts without having your storage strategy figured out is a recipe for disaster. Fortunately, shopping cart corrals provide an efficient solution for most business’ needs. These barriers should be built to properly contain a significant amount of carts without being too wide or narrow. Exterior corrals might contain an awning or roof of some kind to protect carts from getting bombarded by rain, snow, and sunlight. Corrals aren’t the only shopping cart storage solutions available, of course (click the link for a deeper dive into storage considerations). You might also think about overflow storage, external storage units, security solutions, and more.

Where Are They Made?

Today’s global economy has made it easier than ever for businesses to purchase goods from all over the world, including shopping carts. That said, there is cause to consider buying shopping carts from here in the U.S. as opposed to other countries. While it’s true that many foreign manufactured goods can be bought for a relatively cheap price, these purchases often come with hidden costs. For one thing, labor and manufacturing regulations can vary widely from country to country — if you purchase your carts from somewhere outside the U.S., keep in mind that they might not be made from quality, environmentally-friendly materials. More importantly, understand that the people involved in the production of those carts might not work in the best conditions. Furthermore, the cost to transport goods overseas (including tariffs) can end up falling largely on you, the buyer, rendering the cost-savings largely inconsequential.

For these reasons and more, it’s a good idea to buy your carts from a U.S.-based manufacturer. This way, you can save on shipping and import costs while ensuring the best quality and working conditions involved in the making of said shopping carts. Plus, supporting U.S. businesses is good for the country and, in turn, your business and community.

What’s the Cost?

Wherever you source your new shopping carts, you won’t want to break the bank. Like your business’ other assets, your shopping carts are an investment, one which will yield a positive return over time. With that in mind, it’s important to take the long-term into account. High-quality carts might cost you more initially, but if it means these carts will stand the test of time, provide your customers with positive experiences, and encourage shoppers to make larger purchases, you’ll end up with a larger return on investment (ROI) than you might have if you went with cheaper, low-quality carts instead.

What Will You Do With Your Old Fleet?

Lastly, the purchase of new carts usually means the disposal of old ones. It’s wise to have an idea of what you’ll do with these old carts before you replace them. You might sell them for parts/raw materials, transfer them to other stores in your business (if they’re in good enough condition), recycle them, repurpose them in some way, etc. Check out our previous article, “What Happens to Old Carts and Baskets When I Replace Them?” for a more detailed exploration of this topic.

Time to Buy New Shopping Carts?Looking for U.S.-made carts and baskets built from quality, recycled materials? Good L Corporation delivers innovative shopping cart and basket solutions for retailers on a global scale. From a fleet of new custom carts to launch your store opening, to replacement baskets that supplement your existing shop supply, Good L Corp can configure the right carryall strategy to boost your retail business. Let’s get started! Contact us today for a no-pressure sales quote.

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