Category Archives: Basket Carts

Are Double Steel Basket Carts Too Big for My Store?

Double steel shopping carts

Every facility has a limited amount of space, though some certainly have more or less than others. Knowing this, every item you bring into your store should be put there for a reason. Without proper discretion, your location can quickly become overwhelmed by products and resources that interfere with your customers and employees rather than…

What Kind of Stores Typically Have Double Basket Carts?

Double basket shopping cart

As someone who owns or manages a store, you know how much goes into keeping your customers satisfied each and every day: stellar customer service, provision of the goods and services they desire, an inviting atmosphere, and so on. The devices you offer your customers to accompany their journey (i.e., carts and baskets) also factor…

Choosing The Best Shopping Option for Your Store

Blue miniature shopping cart

Store layouts are conducive to different shopping experiences. The uniqueness of a store can determine whether you offer customers shopping carts, baskets, or basket carts… a hybrid of the two! Choosing the Best Carts for Your Store When A Shopping Cart is Too Big Some stores are too small for the standard shopping cart. While…

3 Reasons To Add Basket Carts to Your Store

Logo saying "3 Reasons To Add Basket Carts to Your Store."

Have you added basket carts to your store yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Basket carts provide storeowners and shoppers with a variety of benefits.  Check out these three convincing reasons to add basket carts from Good L Corporation to your store today! Increase Impulse Sales Does your store thrive on impulse sales?…