Category Archives: Specialty Carts

5 Ways to Make Shopping Baskets Unique

Red shopping basket with logo

All shopping baskets are not created equal. However, as a shopper, you might not pay much attention to the differences between baskets from one business to another. After all, every shopping basket serves the same basic function: to help you gather and carry items to purchase at the end of your trip. And yet, shopping…

Pros and Cons: Plastic Shopping Carts

Row of plastic shopping carts

There are many factors to consider before purchasing new shopping carts for your store, such as how many you’ll need, how you’ll store them, where they’re manufactured, how big or small they should be, and more. But a more fundamental question underlies all of these other considerations: what are your shopping carts made of?  Generally…

Shopping Baskets: Which Shape is Best for You?

Yellow rolling cart in a grocery store

All shopping baskets are not created equal. They vary in both shape and size, as well as material, color, etc. Providing your patrons with baskets that suit their needs and your products is a simple, yet effective way to boost customer satisfaction and sales. The question remains, then: which shopping basket shape is best for…

How Long Do Folding Shopping Carts Typically Last?

Good L Corp folding shopping cart

While most retail and grocery stores offer plenty of shopping carts and baskets for customers to use open entry, some people prefer to bring their own vessels to the store for various reasons. Perhaps they wish to avoid germs, or maybe they just like the look and feel of their personal cart or basket. Some…

Shopping Small: Do Retail Customers Prefer Carts or Baskets?

Good L Corp mini basket with groceries

The term “shopping small” has three major meanings: it might refer to purchasing physically smaller items; spending less money during a shopping trip (i.e. a smaller bill); or supporting local small businesses. Regardless of how this phrase is used, though, the customer is always at the center. Put another way, in order for retail businesses…