Tag Archives: shopping carts

5 Ways Roller Baskets Help Shoppers

Rolling shopping basket

Everyone shops differently. Some people prefer to make small sporadic trips to the store when they realize they need something. Others venture out once or twice a month to secure a big haul that will last a while. And plenty of people fall somewhere in between these extremes. But no matter how one shops (or…

Is Shopping Cart Repair Possible (And Practical)?

Stray shopping cart in a parking lot

Maintaining your retail or grocery store and its assets requires a multi-faceted approach. You must hire personnel to handle daily maintenance tasks, such as cleaning bathrooms and floors, dusting surfaces, restocking supplies, mopping up spills, etc. Additionally, you must invest in more rigorous services on a less frequent basis, like floor waxing, deep cleaning, and…

Are Specialty Carts the Right Choice for Your Retail or Grocery Store?

Row of animated shopping carts

If you own or manage a grocery or retail store, you know how important it is to accommodate all of your customers. While you may not always be able to meet the needs of every single customer, making an effort can have a big impact on your bottom line. For example, some stores offer shopping…

Are Your Shopping Carts and Baskets Ethically Sourced and Manufactured?

Yellow baskets in an ethical factory

The world is moving toward a more sustainable and equitable future. What might have seemed like just a phase in the early 2000s has since grown into a much larger movement for environmentally-friendly manufacturing and ethical sourcing. If you own a business, you would be wise to take note of this ongoing trend, not only…

Retail Trends: Should You Carry Mini-Carts for Kids?

Animated shopping cart with food

For decades now, there has been an ongoing, sometimes vitriolic debate among shoppers about whether or not retail and grocery stores should carry mini shopping carts for kids. And the jury is still out. Today, shoppers will encounter stores both big and small that either offer these small carts, never carried them in the first…