Tag Archives: shopping baskets

Shopping Small: Do Retail Customers Prefer Carts or Baskets?

Good L Corp mini basket with groceries

The term “shopping small” has three major meanings: it might refer to purchasing physically smaller items; spending less money during a shopping trip (i.e. a smaller bill); or supporting local small businesses. Regardless of how this phrase is used, though, the customer is always at the center. Put another way, in order for retail businesses…

Which Shopping Baskets Are the Most Durable?

Good L Corp shopping basket with groceries

Many factors and assets contribute to a successful retail or grocery store — a practical layout, strong aesthetic, clean surfaces, functional climate control, well-stocked shelves, etc. As you consider the importance of these moving parts, though, do not overlook the seemingly small things, such as the shopping baskets you offer your customers. Sure, the value…

Which Varieties of Supermarket Shopping Baskets Do You Need?

Different types of grocery carts

The shopping baskets you provide for your customers can have a major impact on your sales. It’s no secret that baskets and carts make the shopping experience easier and more comfortable, but it’s also worth noting that these vessels can actually encourage customers to purchase more. The key to maximizing your sales this way is…

5 Reasons Why Eco-Friendly Shopping Baskets Are Good for Business

Shopping cart with recycling logo

Today, businesses of all sizes must operate with the knowledge that their actions have an impact on the environment around them. But, what does this mean, practically speaking? There is no single answer. One company might do its best to reduce paper waste while another might switch to more energy-efficient solutions for production. If you…

Large Baskets: Do They Encourage People to Buy More?

Shopping cart full of food

Retail marketing experts are armed with a number of clever strategies to drive sales. These methods range from subtle to somewhat obvious, but they’re effective nonetheless. For instance, a store might regularly change the location of products to keep shoppers inside and entice them with new items. Or, they might regularly advertise limited-time sales to…